A Beautiful and Strong Woman Strips Down to Power Up (NSFW)

A Beautiful and Strong Woman Strips Down to Power Up (NSFW)

You have probably noticed that there is a change in website for this post if you are a regular reader. It's for posts like this one, where nudity is involved, that helped make the decision to separate my boudoir work from the main site of family and children portrait photography over at J Morgan Images.  

Lady Nudity as I have nicknamed her, is a mother of 2 adorable little girls. She had them within 2 years of each other too! She doesn't have a super model body and she is super proud of that. Her workout routine is pretty simple, run in the mornings when she can, and when her girls naps she likes to do some Pilates or yoga, of course that is assuming there aren't a million and one things to do around the house like the rest of us mamas! She was so much fun to photograph for the simple fact that she LOVES her body and appreciates what it has done for her. She is such an inspiration for me personally, because I don't get to see many women that are completely comfortable in their own skin very often. I ADORE her confidence and how uninhibited she is. 

She even gave permission to show you a before retouching and after image, so you can see how much post processing, also known as "the evil" photo shop, I do to images. (Photoshop really is not an evil things guys, i swear!) Look through the rest of the images first, and at the bottom you will find it. Share with the mama in your life and let her know she is beautiful and brilliant and should always be proud of herself!  

While my use of editing tools can vary, especially when it comes to fine art or conceptual works, I work with less is more-in multiple ways. Ha. Enjoy some more images, with Lady nudity's brave permission. This Mom knows how to make a statement! 

black lingere subtle boudoir
white nightie bridal boudoir

We always start with the most clothing on...then work our way to the comfort boundaries.

blow pop beautiful eyes
red blow pop boudoir

Who doesn't love a blow pop? 

Before and after retouch example. cropped in, softened/removed stretch marks and wall plate. General skin smoothing. 

Before and after retouch example. cropped in, softened/removed stretch marks and wall plate. General skin smoothing.