Being Inspired
Inspiration is a funny thing. It can hit at anytime, from anything. A word/phrase, the way the light cascades over the lake as you drive by. It can simply be in your dreams. Finding inspiration when you want it is more of a challenge-because finding something when you want it is near impossible-especially when its something like car keys when you are late.
Here is how i go about connecting with inspiration.
I work for myself and keep my love for photography alive by creating for myself. Don't force it.
Think of something happy. Why does it make you feel this way-what is the vision/what are the visions that come to mind? Start sketching-even if it the ugliest thing you've ever seen. Write down the scene(s) and roll with it.
Repeat for all your emotions and you will find yourself creating some fantastic stories for yourself.
Take a picture of something unexpected and then start playing. Literally. So you don't normally photograph food, today, you do. it can be food in the garbage or the apples on your counter, light them well and challenge your self. Whether you have something holding the apples or something growing out of them, or who knows what, use that in an image.
Inspiration for me, comes often from my overactive worrisome nature. Sit in silence and let your mind wander-it can be a very scary to let your mind do such a thing but it can be quite pleasant, The things you can find in that brilliant mind of yours, are something powerful if you create them.
Inspiration is everywhere-tapping into it just takes some getting used to. If you don't carry a sketch pad around with you-use your phones voice record mode to capture your thoughts out loud or write what you are thinking down in the note function or a place like evernote where you can sync everything from one device to another. Even when your initial idea turns out to suck-there is a picture of how bad it sucks waiting to be created.
There is always something waiting to be created.